Patrick Neidinger, LLM (University of Southern California)
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Associated Partner

Patrick Neidinger has specialised experience in advising on large multi-jurisdictional projects including outsourcing transactions in the areas of financial services, facility management, logistics, information technology and telecommunications. His expertise encompasses all stages of the outsourcing process, including the transition and migration phase as well as the post-outsourcing phase. Additionally, Patrick Neidinger regularly advises on global technology transactions across all industries including legal support of software licensing, systems integration, innovation and cooperation projects and all matters related to internet, e-commerce, Cloud Computing and Big Data.
- Studied law at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
- Postgraduate degree (LL.M.) from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
- Associate at White & Case, Frankfurt am Main
- Associate at Linklaters, Frankfurt am Main and Munich
- At Noerr since 2020
- Admitted to the Chamber of Lawyers Munich
- Haftung der Anbieter von Vermittlungsdiesten, 2023, Kraul (ed.), Das neue Recht der digitalen Dienste - Digital Services Act (DSA), p. 61 - 90 et seq.
- Störerhaftung des Access-Providers, Anmerkung zum Urteil des BGH vom 26.11.2015, CR 6/2016, p. 408-410 et seq.
- Vernetztes Identity Management - Risiko oder Eröffnung neuer Geschäftsmodelle?, 2015, Jurgen Taeger (ed.), Internet der Dinge - Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft, Tagungsband DSRI - Herbstakademie 2015, p. 441-455 et seq.
- Update EDV-Vertragsrecht, 2013, Jurgen Taeger (ed.), Law as a Service (LaaS) - Recht im Internet- und Cloud-Zeitalter, Tagungsband DSRI - Herbstakademie 2013, p. 955-965 et seq.
- Update EDV-Vertragsrecht, 2012, Jurgen Taeger (ed.), IT und Internet - mit Recht gestalten, Tagungsband DSRI - Herbstakademie 2012, p. 365-377 et seq.