Responsibility in action

Sustainable development, long-term success and progress based on constructive, well-thought-out principles. By supporting these goals, we’re also giving back to society. We invest in the future, our economy and society, and social fairness for the common good.



Children are the future. Yet many face that future with less than favourable prospects. We’re doing something about this by offering socially disadvantaged children from Germany, Austria and Romania the opportunity to enjoy carefree holidays.

Our Kindercamp has been providing a holiday camp for children and young people since 2011. Located in Thalgau on Lake Fuschl, Austria, non-profit organisations from Germany, Austria and Romania send children there for one-week holidays each year. The holiday camp came to life on a Saturday at the end of April 2011 when around 450 advisors grabbed their saws, hammers and brushes to lay the colourful groundwork. Our greatest wish is that the children and young people participating will take the rewarding experiences (and educational guidance) from the Kindercamp with them as a positive force in their future lives.

The purpose and aim of the Noerr Kindercamp e. V.  is to help disadvantaged children and young people by establishing and running a holiday camp in which the children and young people receive pedagogic supervision and care. Sponsors are welcome to donate any amount. Noerr Kindercamp e. V. is a registered charity and can issue its sponsors a receipt for donations. Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB performs all administrative tasks and bears their costs so that the entire amount of the donors’/sponsors’ contributions directly benefits the children and young people. We would be pleased to name you as a sponsor of the Kindercamp, at the camp itself and at events.



Prof. Dr. Tobias Bürgers Dr. Alexander Ritvay

T +49 89 28628149

Donation account

Noerr Kindercamp e.V.
Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN DE 49 7007 0024 0030 6258 00

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Pro bono

As lawyers, our sense of justice isn’t just limited to the law. We also have an affinity to good causes and human rights. This is why we make our expertise available to those who need it most:

As a member of the world's largest network of independent law firms, Lex Mundi, we support select social entrepreneurs with much-needed legal advice.
Two of the association’s goals are to provide free legal advice for charitable purposes and promote greater acceptance of pro bono legal advice in the legal profession, and we’re proud to be a member.
We also regularly advise international, non-profit institutions on German law on a pro bono basis. A prominent example is the Swedish Right Livelihood Award Foundation, nicknamed the “Alternative Nobel Prize”. We have provided comprehensive legal support to the organisation for over a decade.
We provide pro bono advice to DBS, the umbrella organisation of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and the National Paralympic Committee for Germany. It’s one of the world’s largest sports associations for people with disabilities, with around 510,000 members. By representing the organisation, we are promoting popular and elite sports as well as inclusion of people with disabilities. We’re glad to play a part because “living diversity” is a cornerstone of our Strategy 2025.
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We see ourselves as “advocates of progress”. With this in mind, we work to strengthen Germany as a location for technology and innovation.

Together with selected partners from industry and science, we created GERMANTECH, a platform for innovation and entrepreneurship that connects start-ups from all over the world to universities, incubators, corporations and capital. It enables new ideas, technologies and business models to achieve successful breakthroughs. We have been supporting GERMANTECH with our know-how and venture capital expertise since 2015.
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Our holistic education, training and continuing education programme Rise is unique in the industry. It is based on the idea that collaborative excellence and individual success inspire each other and enable us to attain the very highest standards.

With a differentiated range of around 500 training hours, we support our consultants along the path to advancement–from new talent to senior partner. The programme is decentralised and uses the most modern learning formats. Together with committed partner participation and the best trainers on the market, the programme is tailored to specific job profiles, seniority level, and individual needs. It also offers the exact type of support that is needed at every career stage to successively grow career potential. In addition, there is a predetermined sequence of obligatory modules, which, as fixed milestones, secure a shared path to advancement. Beyond that, there are also a large number of additional offerings that round out individual techniques and methods to ensure mental and physical well-being–even when the path grows steep and the air thin. Connected by a strong bond of trust, mutual support, and shared strength, we are steadily moving straight to the top–as top professionals in a top organisation.