Digital ­Trans­formation

Digital transformation is a key factor for economic development in the 21st century. By integrating digital technologies into all areas of business, companies can increase their efficiency, reduce costs and tap into new sources of revenue.


Automation and data analysis optimise production processes and enable more precise decisions, while digital platforms facilitate access to global markets. Rapid adaptation and continuous improvement of digital technologies promote the emergence of new business models, drive innovation and create competitiveness. From the use of artificial intelligence and robotics to big data and cloud computing - the digital transformation is setting the course for a future in which flexibility, efficiency and customer centricity take centre stage to ensure long-term economic success.

Experts who have been providing in-depth advice in all relevant areas for years will support you in the continuous development and adaptation of your digital infrastructure.

Our services

Prozessor Data Competence Center

Outsourcing, cloud & IT projects

Efficient IT is the key to the success of the digital transformation. Successful cloudification, positively completed (agile) IT/SW projects and the effective outsourcing of business/IT processes are just some of the areas in which we support you in completing the tasks that are essential for an efficient digital transformation in your company.

Digital identity scanner with pulse


The downside of digital change is the threat of cyber attacks. We support you in implementing the necessary preventive measures and in the event of a crisis. Cybersecurity is interdisciplinary: with experienced partners and our expertise in NIS2, DORA, CRA and BSIG, among others, we implement the relevant requirements in your company.


AI & Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are revolutionising the economy. Our advice offers legal certainty when sourcing AI, meeting compliance requirements (IP law, AI Regulation, GDPR, Data Regulation) and liability issues. We support you in transactions and the implementation of AI in all business areas.

Digital markets are subject to an increasingly dense web of legal requirements. Our experienced and interdisciplinary team ensures all your needs are met – from compliance and contract drafting to dispute resolution.

Mann mit Finanzdaten auf Smartphone FinTech

Data Economy

Data is an essential resource of the digital economy with enormous value creation potential. At the same time, laws such as the GDPR, Data Act, Data Governance Act and AI Act are constantly imposing new requirements. We navigate you through the regulatory jungle and support you in utilising data-driven business models in a legally compliant manner.

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E-commerce is also subject to constantly growing requirements, e.g. the new regulations on marketplaces, information obligations and general terms and conditions, but also special regulations for digital products. We ensure that your e-commerce solutions are always up to date with the latest legal standards.

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Distribution & Supply Chain

The success of digital business models depends on ensuring that both supply and logistics as well as distribution via your online and offline sales channels are organised in a legally compliant manner . We support you in the implementation of distribution (antitrust) legal requirements as well as in the implementation of legal requirements for the supply chain.

crypto currencies stock market with pulse

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

The disruptive basic technology blockchain based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the various crypto assets based on it, such as NFTs and cryptocurrencies, are drivers of digital change and open up innovative business areas in all sectors of the economy. Our experts will support you in the legally compliant implementation of your business models.

data science with pulse

Telecoms / Infrastructure

Communication networks are the lifelines of digital transformation. From internet to autonomous mobility, no service can do without ever faster data transmission. The expansion of networks requires enormous resources and can often only be realised through cooperation. We support the major expansion projects and new products   whether fibre, 5G or satellite, from regulation to sales.


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