Noerr advises Commerzbank on financing for acquisition of distribution and service activities of Rolls-Royce by DEUTZ


A team from Noerr led by partners Alexander Schilling and Nikolai Warneke and senior associate Martina Buller has advised COMMERZBANK Aktiengesellschaft on an acquisition financing deal for DEUTZ AG. The loan is intended to finance the acquisition of the distribution and service activities of various industrial engines from Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems division.

The engines are used in off-highway applications, above all in the agricultural and construction machinery sectors. DEUTZ is also taking over the service activities for the engines already in use. The company expects to achieve annual sales of around 300 million euros.

The Noerr team previously advised COMMERZBANK Aktiengesellschaft as syndicate leader and other lenders on refinancing for DEUTZ AG in 2022.

COMMERZBANK Aktiengesellschaft is the leading bank for small and medium-sized enterprises and a partner for around 26,000 corporate client groups and just under 11 million private and micro-business customers in Germany. Listed company DEUTZ AG is based in Cologne and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative drive systems. It achieved a turnover of over 2.1 billion euros in the last financial year.

Advisors to Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft: Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

Nikolai Warneke (partner), Alexander Schilling (partner), Martina Buller (senior associate), Sokorei Omar (senior associate, Frankfurt)