Mastering workforce optimisation

Noerr has extensive experience in making workforce deployment more flexible and reducing personnel costs for companies. Our particular strength lies in restructuring and reorganizations. We advise you on optimizing corporate and operational structures, implementing flexible personnel management, adjusting employment conditions (e.g., through restructuring agreements), and optimizing company pension schemes. We also successfully integrate works councils and unions into the process.

People on their way to work blurred employment and pensions

Despite preventive measures, crises can still arise. We ensure the best possible solution for your company. Together with you, we develop tailored strategies for a swift and cost-efficient restructuring. We lay the groundwork in advance for economically efficient negotiations on restructuring agreements, including reconciliation of interests and social plans (e.g., by terminating profit transfer agreements in advance). These negotiations are planned strategically and proactively, even extending to the formation of conciliation or arbitration committees. If insolvency cannot be avoided, we optimally prepare your company for a prompt and successful restructuring, including self-administration.


Our services

  • Development of a Comprehensive Restructuring Plan, including:
    • Communication strategy with employees, employee representatives (works councils, staff councils, unions), authorities, and labour courts.
    • Optimisation of economic conditions for negotiations with employee representatives and staff.
    • Negotiations with authorities and application for funding.
    • Optimisation of the personnel structure (including social selection).
    • Avoidance of wrongful termination lawsuits.
  • Collaboration with Employee Representatives, including preparation and execution of negotiations (e.g., reconciliation of interests, social plans), including conducting conciliation and arbitration proceedings.
  • Introduction of Flexible Working Models and Agile Organisational Structures.
  • Optimisation of Existing Pension Systems and Implementation of Cost-Efficient Occupational Pension Schemes.
  • Human Resources Aspects of Out-of-Court Restructuring under StaRUG (Stabilization and Restructuring Framework for Companies Act)
  • Insolvency Labour Law Consulting.


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