Mastering competition challenges

In times of recession, Noerr supports your company in playing a crucial role in stabilizing and revitalizing the economy, while adhering to competition law. Competition law aims to promote fair competition and prevent market restrictions.

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Even in a recession, antitrust and competition law applies without any restrictions and still has to be complied with by companies.

This is all the more relevant during a recession, because companies may seek to cut their costs by entering into cooperative partnerships, especially with competitors. Some companies may also have no choice but to claim State aid as a result of the downturn.


Our services

  • We provide our clients with all-round advice on structuring cooperative partnerships during recessions to ensure that they comply with antitrust and competition law. Examples include:
    • jointly procuring input materials or energy in response to increased raw material prices;
    • engaging in joint marketing and sales to save costs and offer a wider range of products and services;
    • collaborating on R&D into new technologies in changing markets;
    • supplying each other with products or services in critical situations; or
    • cooperating on sustainability matters.
  • We also advise companies on ending forms of partnership entered into between companies (who are actually competitors) in times of recession and crisis that are questionable from an antitrust perspective. These may include agreements entered into by overenthusiastic employees without obtaining advice beforehand for example. Areas covered include internal investigations, ending collaborative relationships, submitting leniency applications and cooperating with competition authorities.
  • In M&A transactions where time is of the essence, we make sure that any antitrust and investment control clearance is obtained quickly.
  • We provide our clients with in-depth advice on digital antitrust law and the antitrust and competition aspects of their digital transformation (such as the DMA and section 19a of the German Competition Act). One key aspect is helping them to design innovative business models in line with competition and antitrust law and against the backdrop of national and European rules affecting large platforms and gatekeepers.
  • We also advise our clients on developing and implementing funding measures in compliance with State aid law. The topics we cover include privatisation and de-privatisation, research and development, digitalisation, rescue and restructuring measures, energy supplies, the EU Green Deal and decarbonisation. We also help submit State aid notifications to the European Commission, file complaints under State aid law and conduct court proceedings.

Selected projects

    Providing the industrial group with merger and investment control advice during its investments in various special situations where time was of the essence, including corporate spin-offs and succession and restructuring situations
  • Condor
    Advising the airline on State aid in connection with its successful restructuring, including several State aid notification procedures (2019 to 2021) at the European Commission and several proceedings before the General Court of the European Union
  • Company in the chemical substances sector
    Advising on the withdrawal from a seemingly permissible purchasing cooperation (illegal purchasing cartel) through leniency application and cooperation with European competition authorities
  • Several media companies
    Advising on joint marketing agreements in the fields of print, online and radio
  • Newspaper publishers
    Advising on the joint purchasing of printing paper
  • Two retail companies
    Advising on joint purchasing arrangements
  • Wholesalers in the heating and air conditioning business
    Advising on forming a joint purchasing arrangement and structuring it in line with antitrust rules
  • Health sector
    Advising on an R&D partnership
  • Advising on the joint sale of securities
  • Thomas Cook
    Advising the provisional insolvency administrator on merger control matters during the sale of various business units in the context of the insolvency proceedings


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