Regulatory & Environ­ment

The political measures against the climate crisis lead to a multitude of highly complex regulatory changes that companies and public decision-makers often need to adapt to at short notice. To tackle these challenges, affected companies and decision-makers must develop economically viable and legally compliant sustainability strategies. Our advisors specialising in regulatory issues are here to assist you with every step of the way.

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Noerr advises public and private clients on all regulatory matters across the entire spectrum of public business law, particularly in the areas of environmental, climate protection and energy law. With the extensive practical legal experience of our specialised advisors, we are well-equipped to reliably provide our clients with the best possible assistance in navigating current regulatory challenges and capitalising on the associated opportunities for sustainable corporate development.

Given the escalating climate crisis and the recognition that comprehensive decarbonisation of the economy is crucial for ensuring a sustainable and enduring economy in the future, the pressure on companies to transform is constantly growing. The increasing density of national and international regulations means that companies across all industries and sectors have to comply with an ever-expanding array of often highly complex regulatory requirements. These range from adapting the existing requirements from environmental and planning laws for new technologies in the energy market to completely new regulatory approaches: from special construction regulations on the energy efficiency of buildings due to the implementation of the recently amended EU Buildings Directive and EU-wide harmonised product-related requirements, European emissions trading and sustainability reporting obligations to the much-discussed compliance in the supply chain based on national and European requirements. Overall, this results in a large number of requirements, the application and implementation of which often present companies with challenges, both in terms of content and economically as well as in terms of personnel.

As a leading European full-service law firm, Noerr offers industry-specific and company-tailored, customised solutions for these challenges. We also maintain close relationships with political decision-makers and authorities. Our Regulatory practice covers all highly regulated sectors, particularly through our specialised practice groups in Energy & Infrastructure, Automotive & New Mobility and Regulatory & Governmental Affairs. At the same time, our firm delivers comprehensive, efficient and cost-effective advice thanks to the collaborative efforts of our specialised teams. Our advisors always keep the big picture in mind, alongside addressing specific regulatory issues.


Our services

  • Advising on compliance with environmental, climate and energy legislation
  • Assisting in implementing national and European requirements for effective supply chain monitoring
  • Providing advice on meeting national and international decarbonisation requirements for companies and industries
  • Helping companies to navigate climate transformation within the economy
  • Advising companies on waste law and product-related environmental regulations
  • Advising companies on CO2 pooling in the automotive sector to comply with CO2 emission fleet limits
  • Providing detailed advice on environmental and energy law approval and planning procedures, for example in the area of new technologies and renewable energies (e.g. for sustainable energy generation or storage)
  • Advising on ESG reporting/sustainability reporting and EU taxonomy


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