Corporate Gover­nance

ESG issues are often an integral part of corporate business. Rising social and political expectations placed on organisations cover both chances and risks. Risks are mostly driven by non-compliance with statutory requirements and non-legal standards. In addition, ignoring market expectations could cause reputational damages. Chances are offered by cost savings through efficient resource usage, transparent reporting and communication. Therefore corporates have easier access to capital markets and higher customer traction and employee loyalty.

Man conference room window dawn raid

ESG considerations impact companies’ decision-making processes.  Management and supervisory boards frequently focus on these topics. Depending of the organisation’s size and business, ESG topics are handled either by dedicated offices or by setting up an ESG committee. Sometimes, responsibility is assigned to a Chief Sustainability Officer or Chief Climate Officer.

Noerr advises its clients comprehensively on all aspects of setting up and monitoring the legal requirements concerning their organisational structures as well as on critical decisions to be taken by their boards, including in the context of ESG. Noerr has extensive experience in all areas of law that are relevant to ESG topics, and we continuously share expertise nationally and internationally on the legislative frameworks in the jurisdictions in Europe and beyond. This allows us to provide all-round, always up-to-date and efficient advice on companies’ corporate governance and on critical board decisions.


Our services

  • Staffing of corporate boards
  • ESG-related board duties and the business judgement rule
  • Risk management
  • Reporting obligations (CSR, for example)
  • Annual general meetings, shareholder committees – ‘having a say on climate’
  • Investor involvement and communication, activism preparedness
  • Requirements of voting rights advisors


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