ESG Compliance

Climate change, carbon footprint and human rights are just some of the topics that are important for ESG. ESG compliance faces particular challenges.

Green building with pulse

On the one hand, there is no standardised ESG legal framework. Instead, ESG-relevant regulations are scattered across a large number of legal instruments. Our mission is to help you gain and maintain an overview of the relevant provisions. On the other hand, ESG issues have only been partially integrated into risk analyses and risk management systems, resulting in weak incorporation within many companies. Companies have to strive to develop an overarching ESG strategy, take ESG aspects into account in all processes and guidelines and ensure they are firmly rooted in interactions with employees, business partners and customers. A strong ESG awareness is becoming increasingly important for market position, market perception, financing and relationships with business partners. ESG compliance is thus a business enabler. To this end, it is essential to counteract any violations of ESG provisions. The three lines of defence model should also be implemented in relation to ESG-relevant topics.

Our services

  • Identifying relevant laws and regulations
  • Preparing risk analyses
  • Developing ESG strategies
  • Establishing risk management systems
  • Developing structural and process organisation
  • Creating control systems
  • Identifying compliance violations
  • Representing clients in dealings with supervisory authorities
  • Defending clients in criminal and administrative proceedings
  • Supporting clients in enhancing their compliance systems


Christian Pelz
Christian Pelz

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), certified specialist in criminal law, certified specialist in tax law

Thomas Klindt
Thomas Klindt

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Certified Specialist in Administrative Law

Daniel Happ
Daniel Happ

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), certified specialist in employment law

Tülay Biecker
Tülay Biecker

Rechtsanwältin, Attorney specialising in labour law


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