Laurenz Wieneke is a partner in our Frankfurt office and a member of our Capital Markets and Real Estate Investment Groups. One of his main areas of expertise is advising German and international corporate groups on matters involving stock corporation and group law in connection with transactions and restructurings and in the fields of corporate governance and compliance. Besides this, he advises issuers, investors as well as German and international investment banks in equity, equity-related and debt transactions.


  • Fresenius Medical Care AG, TAG Immobilien AG, RIB Software SE, ISARIA Wohnbau AG, ADLER Real Estate AG, B.R.A.I.N. Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG, Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG, Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG, Gateway Real Estate AG, Frequentis AG, etc.: Advising on capital market transactions for both issuers and underwriters
  • Schuler AG, AG, Colonia Real Estate AG, Analytik Jena AG, Westgrund AG, ESTAVIS AG, ISARIA Wohnbau AG, Tom Tailor AG, RIB Software AG: Advising on takeovers of listed companies
  • Advising on the transformation of Fresenius Medical Care AG, the merger of ProSieben Media with Sat.1 Holding, the de-merger of Beta Systems Software
  • TAG Immobilien AG, Stora Enso Beteiligungen GmbH, Thomas Cook AG, Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG, TeamBankAG /DZ Banketc.: Advising on national and international M&A transactions


  • Leading expert in corporate law, Best Lawyers in Germany (2016)
  • Recommended as a leading expert in capital markets law, Chambers Europe, Chambers Global and Legal 500
  • Frequently recommended lawyer for corporate law, JUVE and Best Lawyers Germany


Postgraduate Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Cambridge (England)
Studied law and philosophy at the Universities of Bonn, Würzburg and Berlin
Internship at the Superior Court of Justice in Berlin
Research assistant at the Institute of Banking and Capital Markets Law at Humboldt University of Berlin
At Noerr since 1998, first in the Berlin and Düsseldorf offices, since 2002 in Frankfurt am Main
Admitted to the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Lawyers


  • Corporate Law Association (GVR)
  • Banking and Capital Markets Law working group of the German Lawyers’ Association (DAV)
  • Library Society of Humboldt University of Berlin


  • Commentary of §§ 67 to 75 Stock Corporation Act (AktG), in: Bürgers/Körber/Lieder, (eds.), Heidelberger Kommentar zum AktG, 5th edition, Heidelberg 2020
  • Immobilien-Aktiengesellschaften (German REITs), Rottke/Goepfert/Hamberger (eds.), Immobilien-wirtschaftslehre – Recht, Wiesbaden 2016, p. 691 et seq.
  • Die KGaA als börsennotiertes Unternehmen (the stock corporation limited by shares as listed entity), in: Bürgers/Fett (eds.), Die Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, 3rd edition, Munich 2022, p. 499 et seq. (with Dr Torsten Fett)
  • Strukturierungsfragen beim Erwerb der Kontrolle über deutsche börsennotierte Unternehmen durch chinesische Investoren (with Dr Stephan Schulz), in: Yuanshi Bu (ed.), Chinesische Outbound-Investitionen in Deutschland, Tübingen 2014, p. 109 et seq.
  • Kommentierung von Anhang I EUProspV, Holzborn (ed.), Wertpapierprospektgesetz mit EU­Prospektverordnung, 2nd edition 2014 (with Dr Holger Alfes) 
  • Leitungsstrukturen bei Integration deutscher Gesellschaften in internationale Konzerne, Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung (ed.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Diskussion 2010, Cologne 2011, p. 91 et seq.
  • Beschlussfassung der Hauptversammlung in Abweichung von den Vorschlägen der Verwaltung, Festschrift für Eberhard Schwark, Munich 2009, p. 305 et seq.
  • Emissionspublizität und informationelle Gleichbehandlung der Anleger, Grundmann/Schwintowski/Singer/Weber (eds.), Anleger­ und Funktionsschutz durch Kapitalmarktrecht, Berlin 2006, p. 37 et seq.
  • Namensaktien bei Neugründung, von Rosen/Seifert (eds.), Die Namensaktie, Frankfurt 2000, p. 229 et seq.
  • Discount-­Broking und Anlegerschutz, Baden-­Baden 1998 (doctoral thesis)