Kathrin Westermann
Rechtsanwältin (Lawyer), Partner

Dr. Kathrin Westermann is an experienced specialist in all aspects of German and European antitrust law. She represents clients of most diverse industries in cartel, abuse and merger control proceedings before the Federal Cartel Office and the European Commission as well as in court. She also has long lasting experience in dawn raid scenarios. In recent years, her practice is further focussed on claims for antitrust damages. Dr. Kathrin Westermann began her career 1997 in a major German law firm. In addition, she worked for four years at the German Federal Cartel Office.
- SAF-Holland: Merger control advice on the takeover bid for the Swedish commercial vehicle supplier Haldex and coordination of merger control notifications in three jurisdictions (2022)
- Insolvency administrator of Wirecard: antitrust advice on the sale of Wirecard's technology platform to Santander, Wirecard North America Inc. to the financial holding company Syncapay Inc. and Wirecard Solutions South Africa to Adumo RF (2021)
- German Football League: Representation in antitrust proceedings of the German Federal Cartel Office concerning the central marketing of media rights for football matches from the 2021/2022 seasons incl. negotiation of commitments [2019/2020].
- Banking association (BVR): Defense against antitrust damages claims in connection with electronic cash merchant fees [since 2016].
- International Air Carrier: Defense against a multibillion-dollar damages claim by DB Barnsdale AG against various air cargo companies for participation in the air cargo cartel prosecuted by the European Commission [2015/2016].
- Recommended lawyer for Competition, Competition (Thought Leader, Global Leader und National Leader), Who's Who Legal (2022), Juve (2022/23: Leading Lawyers in Antitrust Law), Legal 500 (2023: Leading names in Antitrust Law in Germany)
- She is highlighted by the leading legal directories as a specialist in antitrust law: Chambers Europe, Juve, Legal 500, Who’s Who Legal and Wirtschaftswoche WiWo – Ranking für Kartellrechtler: Empfohlene Kartellrechtlerin aus 25 Top-Kartellrechtskanzleien (ranking for antitrust lawyers: recommended antitrust lawyer from 25 top antitrust law firms)
- Member of the managing-committee of Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.
- Leading Expert on Antitrust Law in Germany, Best Lawyers / Handelsblatt 2023
Legal studies at the University of Berlin and at the University of Vienna (Austria)
Received PhD at the university of Göttingen
Experience abroad: Internship in New York (USA)
With Noerr since 2002
Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers
- Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht [Antitrust Research Association] (member of the board)
- Co-editor of Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht, NZKart, Beck-Verlag
- Münchner Kommentar zum Europäischen und Deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht (Kartellrecht) (Munich Commentary on European and German Competition Law (Antitrust Law)), Volume 2 (author on Sec. 19 and 20 of the Act Against Restraints of Competition (Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen – GWB), Munich 2008, 4th ed. 2022
- Kartellrechtskommentar (Antitrust Law Commentary), (Ed.: Loewenheim/Meessen/ Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann), author on Article 9, Articles 19-22 of the EC Merger Regulation), Munich 2005, 4th ed. 2020
- Handbuch Private Kartellrechtsdurchsetzung, (Hrsg.: Fuchs/Weitbrecht), Kapitel zu Rechtsfolgen kartellrechtswidriger Vereinbarungen), München 2019
- The planned Digital Markets Act: European regulation of central platform services outside antitrust law?, in: ZHR 186 (2022) 325-338 (Editorial)
- Bußgeldzumessung – Welche Entwicklungen sind in der Praxis des Bundeskartellamtes zu erwarten? (Fining of antitrust infringements - What developments can be expected in the Federal Cartel Office's practice), in: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (WuW), Heft 7-8/2022, p. 404 et seq. (with Lucas Gasser)
- Mitherausgeberin der Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht (ZHR), dfv Mediengruppe
- Joint Venture Handbook, chapter on antitrust law (with Dr Michael Bergmann), Heidelberg 2010, 2nd ed. 2015
- Die Entscheidung des BGH zum Lotteriewettbewerb (The decision by the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) on lottery competition), in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (ZWeR), 1/2010, p. 81 et seq.
- Widerlegung der Oligopolvermutung nach der Entscheidung des BGH in Sachen Phonak/GN Store (Refuting the assumption of the existence of an oligopoly following the decision by the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof – BGH) in the matter Phonak vs. GN Store, in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (ZWeR), 3/2011, p. 81 et seq.