Dr. Olav Wagner heads our firm’s public procurement law practice, primarily dealing with clients from the healthcare, transport and utilities sectors.


  • Recommended as a leading expert in public procurement, Who's Who Legal
  • Recommended as a leading expert in public law, Best Lawyers Germany


  • Legal studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and political sciences at the Institut de Sciences Politiques, Paris (France)
  • Post graduate studies at the University of Hannover
  • Worked at the Berlin office of leading law firms, since 2003 as partner
  • With Noerr since 2007
  • Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers


  • Ausschreibungspflicht mittelbar staatlich finanzierter Einrichtungen – Zur Reichweite des § 98 Nr. 2 GWB (with Fabian Raddatz), in: NZBau 2010, pp. 731 et seq.
  • Die Berechnung des Auftragswerts bei Energielieferverträgen (with Fabian Raddatz), in: Recht der Energiewirtschaft, p. 340 et seq.