Joachim Schrey advises national and international clients in various industries on IT and high-tech projects and on IT compliance issues. Such projects include systems integration projects and outsourcing projects related to IT infrastructure and services (first- and next- generation outsourcing). He also has expertise in business process outsourcing, e.g. in the area of credit card processing, payroll- and accounting services, securities processing etc. and projects on the development, supply and operation of high-technology systems (e.g. road traffic monitoring and tolling systems). Clients seek his advice not only in the course of the development, negotiation and implementation of such projects but also when projects are at risk or in other crisis situations. In IT compliance, Joachim Schrey advises clients on data protection and privacy law (e.g. international exchange of personal data, whistleblowing hotlines) and other issues arising with the use of IT (e.g. document archiving).


  • Advising on the outsourcing of computer centres and other IT infrastructures of an international private bank to a major German IT service provider
  • Advising on the dwpbank Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG on the takeover of securities settlement services from the Dutch KAS BANK N.V. and on the further development of dwpbank’s securities settlement platform
  • Advising an IT service company on the takeover of the IT infrastructure components and services of an international steel and technology company with 650 subsidiaries and around 100,000 IT-supported workstations worldwide
  • Advising a software development service company on the conclusion of an agreement on the takeover of the software development and support services of a global telecommunications equipment manufacturer and the associated operative units in a consortium with another supplier
  • Advising a workwear rental company on the second-generation outsourcing of its international IT infrastructures, including basic SAP operation
  • Advising a workwear rental company on the outsourcing of its international IT infrastructures, including basic SAP operation
  • Advising on the acquisition of IT companies by strategic investors in Germany
  • Advising a German private bank on the takeover of the private customer business of another bank and the requisite IT-related agreements


  • Recommended as leading expert for IT law, Best Lawyers Germany (2014)
  • Highly recommended IT lawyer, JUVE
  • Recommended as leading expert for IT law, Chambers Europe (2014)


  • Legal studies at the University Mannheim
  • Honorary Professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • Experience as a lawyer and Equity Partner as well as member of the board of an international law firm in Frankfurt am Main
  • With Noerr since 2009
  • Admitted to the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Lawyers


  • Expert committee for IT law of the bar association Frankfurt am Main, Hamm and Thüringen
  • Supervisory board of HanseMerkur Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Hamburg


  • Regularly publications on issues in that area and lectures at seminars and congresses


  • Comprehensive publications in diverse reference books and business journals, in particular:
  • Intellectual Property, Kapitel V, in: Compliance-Handbuch, Görling/Inderst (ed.), C.F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg, 2nd edition 2013
  • IT/elektronische Kommunikation, Kapitel VII, in: Compliance-Handbuch, Görling/Inderst (ed.), C.F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg, 2nd edition 2013
  • Softwarelizenzmanagement – Ein unterschätztes Compliance-Risiko, in: CCZ 2012, p. 141
  • Praktisches Service-Level-Management – Basiswissen, Implementierung, Praxisbeispiele, in: Symposion Publishing, Düsseldorf, 1st edition 2012
  • IT-Agreements in Germany (with Tobias Kugler), in: C.H. Beck Verlag, München, 2011
  • Aufbewahrungspflicht von Geschäftsunterlagen nach HGB und IFRS, in: Datenmüll im Unternehmen – Ansätze und Vorgehen für ein effizienteres Datenmanagement, Martin G. Bernhard, Wolfgang L. Brunner, Jürgen Weber (ed.), Symposion-Verlag, Düsseldorf, Mai 2011
  • IT-Outsourcing als Compliance-Gegenstand, in:, issue 1/2011
  • Next Generation Outsourcing – Herausforderungen beim Dienstleisterwechsel, in: Börsenzeitung, 10.03.2011, p. 4
  • ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) – ohne Auswirkungen auf das deutsche und europäische Recht, in: K&R 2011, pp. 171-174