Valentina Nieß, LLM
Rechtsanwältin (Lawyer), Associated Partner

Valentina Nieß advises clients on all questions of trademark, design and unfair competition law. This encompasses litigating IP and unfair competition law infringements, including in preliminary injunction proceedings. Valentina leads a Task Force of INTA’s Enforcement Committee, is an editor of INTA’s Trade Dress publication and regularly publish articles on IP issues. She is admitted to both the Munich and the New York Bar.
- Mövenpick
Regulary advises Mövenpick Fine Food on unfair competition and food law issues - US pharma company
Advising in IP matters before trademark offices as well as in court proceedings - C&A
Advising global fashion company on trademark and unfair competition law, in, representation in court proceedings - Multinational oil and gas company
Advice in trademark and unfair competition law - German Online-Pharmacy
Advice and representation in court proceedings in advertising and unfair competition law matters - Condor
Advice on trademark and contract law issues
- JUVE Handbook of Corporate Law Firms 2023/2024
"solution-orientated, pragmatic, competent, fast and transparent cost estimates" - WTR 1000 - The world's leading trademark practitioners
"A member of INTA’s enforcement committee, Nieß is a leading trademark, design and unfair competition litigator. Admitted to the Bar in New York and Germany, her international perspective adds value to every client matter." - World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR) Diversity Issue 2022
50 Leading Women in IP - Legal 500
"High level of competence, quick response and availability." - Managing IP Ranking
Recommended for trademark law
Legal studies at the University of Münster and Köln
Postgraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (USA)
Internship with an international law firm in Shanghai (China)
Experience with an American law firm in Munich
With Noerr since 2011
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers and admitted to the New York Bar (USA)
- German-American Lawyer's Association e.V.
- International Trademark Association (Enforcement Committee)
- American Bar Association
- Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- BeckOF Contracts for Unfair Competition and Advertising Law, 68th Edition 2024
- Of magic cycle tea and joint nutrition: On the admissibility of health claims for "botanicals" under the HCVO in GRUR-Prax 2024, 598
- Is it truly "green" where it says "green" on the label? - The new directive to empower consumers in the ecological transition in GRUR-Prax 2024, 225
- Case-Law on Pharma Trademarks 2023 in GRUR-Prax 2024, 155
- ECJ/Parallel imports: Equivalence of repackaging and relabelling of medicinal products in ZfPC 2023, 82
- Likelihood of confusion between „E.VITA Energie, die Wort hält“ and „e-VIVA“ in GRUR-Prax 2023, 341
- Conformity to monographs of preparations and ginkgo extracts as "Novel Food"in: GRUR-Prax 2022, p. 418
- "Protection of economic interest in practice" (2019, Springer Verlag), chapter "Protection strategies against product piracy and industrial espionage"
- Registration of the Three-Dimensional Shape of Consumer Products as Trademarks in the EU [IP Corner], in: IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 10/2016, p. 118 et seq.
- Recht und Praxis: Adidas und K-Swiss - Streifen sind nicht gleich Streifen, in:, 15.04.2016
- Herkunftshinweis trotz beschreibenden Anklangs, in: GRUR-Prax 2015, p. 58 et seq.
- Kennzeichenschutz durch Hinterlegung im Trademark Clearinghouse und parallele Domainüberwachung, in: juris, K&R 2013, issue 7-8, supplement 4, pp. 3-6
- Alles neu macht die ICANN – die neuen Top Level Domains bescheren Markeninhabern neue Risiken und neue Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten, in: GRUR Int 2013, pp. 322 et seq.