Karl-Alexander Neumann, LLM
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Partner
Karl-Alexander Neumann is a partner based in Noerr’s Hamburg office. His practice focuses on international banking and finance law, including regulatory issues and compliance matters. Karl-Alexander’s practice further comprises M&A transactions in the regulated financial sector. He regularly structures innovative digital concepts including complex payment structures, electronic money, credit cards and blockchain concepts. Karl-Alexander regularly publishes in well-known specialist journals and books.
- Wendel SE on the acquisition of a majority stake in IK Partners
- EMERAM on the acquisition of CoCoNet AG
- Guarantor lenders and main financiers of STEAG on the group’s restructuring and sale to Asterion
- Capital 49/Force Over Mass on investment in the fintech company finway
- VTB Bank (Europe) SE under management of BaFin special representative on stabilization and solvent wind down of worldwide banking business
- Summit Partners on investment of IK Partners in Cinerius Financial Partners
- Omnicom on joint venture with Mercedes-Benz regarding NFTs
- KPS Capital Partners on derivatives transactions by the Speira Group
- Major Italian bank on regulatory aspects of cross-border securitisation transactions
- Dragoneer Investment Group on a funding round for N26
- Banking syndicate: Advising on financing for the acquisition of the Berlin power grid by the State of Berlin for €2 billion
- LVM a.G.: Advising on the sale of Augsburger Aktienbank’s leasing subsidiary to PEAC Finance
- Wirecard AG’s insolvency administrator on sales and winding-up processes regarding Wirecard Bank AG
- Summit Partners on its investment in Cinerius Financial Partners
- LVM Landwirtschaftlicher Versicherungsverein Münster a. G.: Advising on the sale of the securities business of Augsburger Aktienbank AG to the European Bank for Financial Services GmbH
- International automotive group: Advising on the structuring and rollout of a global, e-money based payment system
- Volkswagen Financial Services AG: Advising on the acquisition of LogPay Financial Services GmbH
- Ingenico Group: Advising on the formation of a joint venture with the DSV Group (Deutscher Sparkassenverlag) in the payment services sector
- Hitachi Capital Corp.: Advising on the acquisition of Maske Group
- Aachener Bausparkasse: Advising the shareholders on the sale of the company to Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG
- ayondo Holding AG: Advising on its IPO at Singapore Exchange Ltd.
- ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG: Advising on a Germany-wide voucher card system
- Banking syndicate: Advising on the €13 billion capital increase for Unicredit S.p.A.*
- J.C. Flowers LLP & Co. UK LLP: Advising on the acquisition of HSH Nordbank AG
- Banking syndicate: Advising on the €440 million refinancing of the A8 motorway’s extension between Ulm and Augsburg*
- Banking syndicate: Advising on the €770 million refinancing of the A7 motorway’s extension between Hamburg and Bordesholm*
- Banks and note holders: Advising on the refinancing of gas utility companies EVG (Erdgasversorgungsgesellschaft Thüringen-Sachsen) and FNG (Ferngas Nordbayern)*
- Nordic Capital: Advising in connection with the bidding process for Concardis GmbH*
- Creditor group: Advising on a €980 million refinancing of the offshore wind farm “Meerwind”*
- * = Karl-Alexander acted as an advisor in these transactions before his time at Noerr.
- Expert in financial markets supervision, Legal 500 (2022/2023/2024)
- Fintech expert, Legal 500 (2023)
- „Karl-Alexander Neumann in particular excelled in our project, standing out with his broad expertise and high level of performance.”, Client in Legal 500 (2024)
- Recommended by clients for his “expertise and cooperation at the highest profession level”, Legal 500 (2022)
Legal studies at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and at University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Scientific assistant at Université de Lausanne
Postgraduate degree (LL.M.) at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Experience as a lawyer at a leading international law firm in Hamburg
At Noerr since 2017
Secondment to Noerr’s Frankfurt office
Admitted to the Hamburg Chamber of Lawyers
- German-French Lawyers Association
- German-Swiss Lawyers Association
- Strukturierung von Anleiheemissionen: Entscheidungskriterien, Geschäftsleiterpflichten und Verfahrensabläufe (Structuring of bond issues: Decision criteria, directors' duties and procedures), in: Segna/Möslein/Omlor/von Buttlar (eds), Kommentar zum Gesetz über elektronische Wertpapiere (Commentary on the German Electronic Securities Act), 2024 (with Stephan Schulz)
- Geschäftsleiteraufgaben im Risikomanagement (Directors‘ Risk Management Responsibilities) (section 43 German Investment Firms Act) and Funktion des Verwaltungs-/Aufsichtsorgans im Risikomanagement; Ausschussbildung (Administrative/Supervisory Body’s Risk Management Function; Committee Establishment) (section 44 German Investment Firms Act), in: Lendermann/Nemeczek/Schroeter (eds), Commentary on the German Investment Firms Act, 2024
- Die Entwicklung des Finanzmarktaufsichtsrechts 2022/2023 (The Developments of Financial Markets Regulation 2022/2023), in: BKR 2024, from 161 (with Lucas Haak)
- Finanzholding-Gesellschaften (§§ 2e, 64a KWG) (Financial Holding Companies (sections 2e and 64a German Banking Act)), in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor, Commentary on the German Banking Act with the CRR, 235th update March 2024 (loose-leaf)
- Elektronische Wertpapiere, Kommentar (Commentary on the German Electronic Securities Act), co-editor and author (with Stephan Schulz), RWS publishers, 2023
- Corporate Governance von Wertpapierinstituten (Corporate Governance of Investment Firms), in: BKR 2021, from p. 535 (with Arndt Alexander Schmidt)
- Kreditrisikominderung (Art. 192–241 CRR) (Credit Risk Minimisation (Articles 192–241 CRR)), in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds), Commentary on the German Banking Act with the CRR, 216th update October 2020 (loose-leaf)
- Coronavirus erreicht den Finanzsektor – Handlungsbedarf für Institute (Coronavirus Reaches the Financial Sector – Need for Action by Institutions), comply 2/2020, from p. 70 (with Jens Kunz)
- Bargeld im Recht – Zivil- und verfassungsrechtliche Dimensionen einer Bargeldabschaffung – (Cash as Considered by the Legal System – Civil Law and Constitutional Dimensions of Abolishing Cash), Boele-Woelki et al. (eds), Festschrift für Karsten Schmidt zum 80. Geburtstag, 2019, volume I, from p. 465 (with Kai-Michael Hingst)
- Bitcoin-Handel als Anwendungsfall der Regulierung “virtueller Währungen” (Regulation of “Virtual Currencies” as Applied to Bitcoin Trading), Compliance-Berater 2019, from p. 254 (with Kai-Michael Hingst)
- Verbotsirrtum, Konkurrenzen und Verjährung bei unerlaubtem Betreiben von Bankgeschäften (Mistake of Law, Joinder of Offences and Time-Barring of Illegal Banking Transactions), BKR 2019, from p. 196
- Negative Zinsen – Die zivilrechtliche Einordnung eines nur scheinbar neuen geldpolitischen Phänomens (Negative Interest – Classification of an Ostensibly New Monetary Political Phenomenon under Civil Law), BKR 2016, from p. 95 (with Kai-Michael Hingst)
- Die reine Unterhaltungsstiftung (The Pure Maintenance Trust), 2014 (reviewed in RabelsZ 81 (2017), from p. 914)
- Das SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren im europäischen Zahlungsverkehrsraum (SEPA Direct Debit Scheme in the Single European Payments Area), HRN 2014, from p. 111
- Pour une action collective européenne dans le droit de la concurrence (Arguments in Favour of a European Class Action in Competition Law), Revue québécoise de droit international (RQDI), 2012, from p. 149 (with Landon Magnusson)