Frédéric Kuhn

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Senior Associate

Compliance & Investigations
Corporate and Financial Litigation
Dawn Raids

Frédéric Kuhn

Frédéric Kuhn advises national and international companies as well as managers on the defence in criminal investigations and administrative fine proceedings. Further focal points of his legal advisory work are the support of complex internal investigations as well as advising companies on issues relating to money laundering law. Frédéric Kuhn deepened his professional expertise during a nine-month secondment in the legal department of a German bank in Frankfurt am Main.


  • Defense of management bodies for alleged criminal violations of EU sanctions law regarding the export of goods to Russia
  • Comprehensive legal advice to several international companies in connection with a so-called ransomware attack
  • Successful defending of a managing director of a company operating Corona test centers in a criminal investigation into allegations of fraud
  • Represent an international technical equipment manufacturer in criminal proceedings against former employees based on allegations of misappropriating business secrets at on a large scale


Legal studies at the University Trier
Clerkship with the District Court of Trier
Admitted to the Düsseldorf Chamber of Lawyers
With Noerr since 2018
Secondment at Deutsche Bank (2019/2020)


  • Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV)


  • Cyber-risks: Criminal liability risks in case of ransom payments after ransomware attacks
  • Administrative fines - overview, significance and outlook


  • Payment of ransoms after ransomware attacks - an analysis of the risks of criminal liability, in: PHi 5/2023, 134 et seq.
  • Essay: Fight against money laundering - The European Commission's package of measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, Part 1 in: ZWH, 4/2022, p. 78 et seq.; Part 2 in: ZWH, 5/2022, p. 108 et seq..; Part 3 in: ZWH 3/2023, p. 55 et seq.
  • Advisory note on BGH regarding collection of a share - Invalidity of the decision to pay the collection fee in the event of insufficient free assets, in: BB 2018, S. 1999, 2001.