Jochen Christoph Hegener, LLM (Columbia University)

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Attorney-at-Law (New York), Senior Associate

Jochen Hegener

Jochen Christoph Hegener advises German and international clients on all aspects of German and European antitrust and competition law and European State aid law. His advice covers fields such as investigations and fine proceedings by the competition authorities (European Commission and the Federal Cartel Office), merger control proceedings, antitrust and competition-related compliance topics and matters involving State aid. He further focuses his advice on the intersection with intellectual property law. Jochen is a member of the Antitrust & Competition and Digital Business practice groups.


Legal studies and PhD at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Postgraduate studies at Columbia Law School, New York (James Kent Scholar)
Research assistant at the Chair of Civil and Commercial Law with a focus on International Intellectual Property Law (Prof. Dr. Alexander Peukert), Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders" at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Research associate at an American Commercial Law Firm in the Regulatory department
Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt
At Noerr since 2021
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers and the New York State Bar


  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht
  • German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright
  • German-American Lawyers' Association


  • Datenzugang nach FRAND-Kriterien - Lehren aus dem SEP-Bereich und Thesen zur Zukunft im neuen Datenrecht, Gajeck/Hegener, GRUR 2024
  • Der Digital Markets Act und Verpflichtungen von Gatekeepern im B2B-Verhältnis, RDi 2024
  • Conduct Obligations for Gatekeepers (Art 5-7 DMA), in: Schmidt / Hübener (Ed.), New Digital Markets Act, 2023 (together with Lucas Gasser)
  • Substantive and Procedural Parallels and Overlaps Between Art. 107, 108 TFEU and the (Draft) Regulation, Blazek/Hegener, ZEuS 3/2022
  • Verschärfte Ermittlungsbefugnisse deutscher Kartellbehörden – Umfassende Auskunftsverlangen und Mitwirkungspflichten bei Durchsuchungen, Birnstiel/Hegener, DB 2021
  • Die angemessene Vergütung im Urhebervertragsrecht, V&R Unipress, 2019, (PhD-Thesis)