
  • Hanseatic Energy Hub Germany*
    Advice on the development of the LNG Terminal Use Agreement
  • Advice in connection with access to LNG terminals*
  • BEOS AG*
    Advice on energy law issues, among other things in connection with the Frankfurt Westside project
  • Advising a global oil and gas company on power purchase agreements and gas sales agreements*
  • Advising a project developer on energy law issues (deep geothermal energy, solar, energy storage)*
  • Advising a European energy supply company on issues relating to entry into the German energy market*
  • Advising energy-intensive companies on the energy crisis, contractual issues, energy efficiency and ESG issues*
  • Advising developers and operators of data centres on energy law issues*
  • Advice on energy storage projects*
  • *Matter handled prior to joining Noerr


Studied law at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and at the Universidad Jaume I de Castellón de la Plana (Spain)
Deputy Head of Department and Project Team Leader at BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH in Hanover
Admitted to the Hamm Chamber of Lawyers
Legal Counsel/Associate Europe Regulatory at ExxonMobil International Ltd. in London
Senior Legal Counsel at RWE Energy AG
Head of energy law and regulatory at RWE AG
Head of energy law and regulatory at RWE AG and at RWE Deutschland AG
Head of Legal, Compliance & Auditing at envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG (enviaM) in Chemnitz
Head of Compliance & Regulation at Uniper SE in Düsseldorf
Lawyer in a major international law firm in the field of Corporate/M&A and the Energy Sector Group
Joined Noerr as a lawyer


  • Inspire e.V.
  • Member of the scientific advisory board of the Düsseldorfer Institut für Energierecht e.V.
  • Co-Head of the Business Partner Compliance Working Group of the Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V.


  • “Kartellrechtliche Einordnung des Begriffs der Ladeinfrastruktur”, in: Berliner Handbuch für Elektromobilität, C.H.Beck; 1. Edition, 2013, p 220 et seq.
  • “Die energiewirtschaftsrechtliche und kartellrechtliche Aufsicht über die Elektrizitätswirtschaft am Beispiel der Durchleitungsaufsicht”, in: Münchner Juristische Beiträge, Band 45, Herbert Utz Verlag, 2004, (Dissertation)
  • “Vergabefremde Regelungen und Beihilferecht” (Monograph together with Prof. Dr. Meinrad Dreher and Dr. Gregor von Rintelen), in: Forum Vergabe e.V.: Schriftenreihe des forum vergabe e.V, Volume 16, 2002