Distinguished by the industry press as one of the 100 most important persons in the real estate sector, he is specialized in the structuring of complex real estate transactions, focusing in particular on financial, tax and planning aspects. Alexander Goepfert has played a decisive role in a large number of major real estate transactions, most recently for SIGNA on the intended acquisition of the Kaufhof Group from Metro AG as well as for Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the acquisition of the SÜDEWO group for €1.9bn, on the sale of approx. 24,000 residential units to LEG Immobilien AG for more than €1bn as well as on the acquisition of 2,400 residential units from Heitmann/Grainger. As an honorary professor at the EBS University of Business and Law in Wiesbaden/Oestrich-Winkel, Alexander Goepfert heads the Competence Center for Real Estate Law there. He is also Vice-President of the Institute of the German Real Estate Industry (iddiw) and member of a number of supervisory and advisory boards.


  • ActivumSG Capital Management on the takeover of the real estate developer formart from HOCHTIEF AG
  • Apollo on the acquisition of the distressed Xanadu portolio in a securitization situation
  • DIC Asset on the portfolio sale (office properties in Berlin and Hannover with office space totalling approx. 44,000 m2) to J.P. Morgan
  • GBW on the sale of 92% of shares in a consortium of investors for € 2.5 bn
  • Lone Star Funds on the acquisition of the Deutsche Post portfolio (over 1,000 properties) and the divestment of part of the portfolio to Dundee
  • Lone Star Funds on the acquisition of TLG Immobilien from the Federal Republic of Germany
  • SIGNA on the planned acquisition of the Kaufhof Group from Metro (approx. € 2.4 bn)
  • Unibail-Rodamco on the sale of a large-scale development site of 33,500 m2 in Würzburg
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the integration of approx. 30,000 residential units of the Vitus Group
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the acquisition of approx. 11,500 residential units of the DeWAG Group 
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the sale of 9,600 residential units to LEG Immobilien AG
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the acquisition of the SÜDEWO group for € 1.9 bn
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the sale on a portfolio of approx. 13,800 residential units to LEG Immobilien AG for € 600 m
  • Vonovia (formerly: Deutsche Annington) on the acquisition of approx.2,400 residential units from Heitmann/Grainger


  • Leading Individual for Real Estate Law, Best Lawyers in Germany (2017)
  • Leading Senior Partner in Real Estate Law, JUVE (2016/2017)
  • Leaders in their Field for Real Estate, “Sources highly appreciate Alexander Goepfert for his ‘extremely deep expertise and vast network of contacts in the industry.’", Chambers (2016)
  • Recommended Lawyer for Real Estate Law, Legal 500 Germany (2016)
  • Most highly regarded individual – Who’s Who Legal: Real Estate (2016)
  • Leading Business Lawyer for Real Estate, Who's Who Legal (2015)
  • World’s Leading Real Estate Lawyer (2013)


  • Studied law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Göttingen
  • Research assistance and doctorate at the University of Cologne (private international law)
  • Equity Partner for many years at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and its predecessor law firm Bruckhaus Westrick Stegemann in Düsseldorf
  • Joined Noerr in 2011
  • Admitted to the Düsseldorf Bar


  • Vice-President of the Institute of the German Real Estate Industry (iddiw)
  • Foundation Board of Trustees of the EBS Real Estate Management Institute
  • Board of Trustees of the Department of Finance, Accounting & Real Estate (FARE) of the EBS Business School
  • Member of a number of supervisory and advisory boards Kuratorium des


Prof. Dr Alexander Goepfert teaches real estate law as an honorary professor at the EBS University of Business and Law in Wiesbaden/Oestrich-Winkel and heads the Competence Center for Real Estate Law there. He also regularly participates as a speaker in seminars, panel discussions and conferences, in particular on private equity and capital markets issues. 


Prof. Dr. Alexander Goepfert regularly publishes contributions on issues, including those relating to real estate law, the real estate industry and capital markets.

  • Co-editor and author the three-volume reference work Immobilienwirtschaftslehre (real estate management), Vol. III – Recht (law) (2016)
  • Mietpreisbremse - Verfassungsrechtlich zulässig? (Rent price controls – permissible under constitutional law?) in: ImmobilienManager 11/2013
  • Erwerb von Immobilien in der Krise (acquisition of (distressed) real estate in crisis situations), in: KSzW 04.2012
  • Regulierung alternativer Investments – AIFM-Richtlinie (regulation of alternative investments – AIFM Directive), in: ImmobilienManager, 5/2011
  • Offene Immobilienfonds/Anlegerschutz- und Funktionsverbesserungsgesetz (open real estate funds/German investor protection and functionality improvement act), in: ImmobilienManager 4/2011
  • Immobilienmarkt: Die neue Verbriefung (Real estate market: the new securitization), in: FAZ 1/2011
  • Immobilienmarkt: Unsicherheitsfaktor Refinanzierung (Real estate market: the uncertainty factor of refinancing), in: FAZ 1/2010
  • Warum braucht die Immobilie den Kapitalmarkt? (Why does real estate need the capital market?), in: ImmobilienManager, 9/2010
  • Residential Mortgage Backed Securities in Germany, in: Handbook Real Estate Capital Markets, editor: Rottke (2008)
  • Rechtliche Aspekte von Real Estate Private Equity (legal aspects of real estate private equity), in: Handbuch Real Estate Private Equity (handbook), editors: Rottke/Rebitzer (2006)