Astrid Frense joined Noerr in 1991 in Munich and in 1993 moved to the Berlin office which she helped to establish. Since April 1999, she has been a certified notary.


  • Leading individual for real estate law, Best Lawyers in Germany (2018)
  • Leading individual for real estate law, Best Lawyers in Germany (2017)
  • “Lawyer of the Year” for Real Estate Law Berlin, Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers in Germany (2020)
  • Leading individual for real estate law, Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers in Germany (2021)


  • Legal studies at the Universities of Erlangen and Bonn
  • Experience abroad: Paris (France) and London (UK)
  • At Noerr since 1991
  • Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers and the Berlin Chamber of Notaries


  • Pro bono activity: President of the Berlin Lawyers' Appeal Court


  • Co-author Beck´sches Formularbuch Immobilienrecht, 2nd edition Munich 2014 (ed. Weise/Forst)
  • Mehr Rechtssicherheit durch Anpassung von Erbbauzinsklauseln und Erbbauzinserhöhungen, in: Grundeigentum 17/2010, pp. 1157 et seq.
  • Co-author Beck’sche Online-Formularsammlung (BeckOF) für Immobilienkauf- und Erbbaurechtsformulare