Wirtschaftswoche “Legal All Stars”: Peter Bräutigam takes 1st place in IT law


The German weekly business magazine Wirtschaftswoche has named our Munich-based partner Peter Bräutigam as its first “Legal All Star” in the new category IT law. In a two-stage selection process, Peter Bräutigam was chosen above all other nominees to take first place.

Wirtschaftswoche worked with the Handelsblatt Research Institute to evaluate 20 legal practice areas to find its “Legal All Stars”. First, they sent out almost 17,000 questionnaires in which business lawyers at respected law firms were asked to name their most renowned competitor in their practice area. Then, a jury consisting of corporate counsel, professors, litigation funders and advisors deliberated on the list.

Peter Bräutigam has worked for Noerr since 1994. He is an honorary professor of Media and Internet Law at the University of Passau and a member of Noerr’s Digital Business practice group. For years, Noerr has been the only law firm that the legal publisher JUVE has given five stars in the IT categories Contracts/Processes and Transactions/Outsourcing.