Noerr advises Gauge Capital on acquisition of Schlesinger Group


Noerr has together with the US law firm Ropes & Gray advised the private equity company Gauge Capital on the recapitalisation of the Schlesinger Group. Gauge Capital is in partnership with the owners and the management of Schlesinger Group taking over a global market research services provider specialising in qualitative and quantitative survey methods.

In Germany the transaction includes the takeover of Schmiedl Marktforschung GmbH and Schmiedl Marktforschung Hamburg GmbH. With Gauge Capital, an investor specialising in management buyouts, recapitalisations, divestments, privatisations, consolidations and growth investments in SMEs is taking over the group. Gauge Capital invests in growing services and technologies, with a focus on health, industry, food and consumer services.

Noerr advised on the transaction as local counsel in collaboration with Ropes & Gray, with a Noerr team headed by Georg Schneider (co-head of Private Equity) and Anna Loibl acting for the client.

Advisors to Gauge Capital: Noerr LLP

Dr Georg Schneider (team lead, Private Equity), Dr Daniel Rücker (Data Protection, both Munich)

Associates: Anna Loibl (lead associate, Private Equity), Alexander Brandt (Data Protection), Julia Hecht (Private Equity), Dr Maximilian Kummer (Digital Business), Manuel Lomb, Isabell Wunder (both Real Estate, all Munich), Mareike Götte (Employment, Düsseldorf)