Russia Sanctions / Consolidated Short List of Sanctioned Legal Entities and Persons
Within the framework of the Russia/Ukraine conflict and of Russian military actions in Ukraine severe sanctions have been imposed by the EU, its member states, the US, the UK and others against Russia (collectively “Russia Sanctions”).
Russia Sanctions target individuals, companies and institutions with whom specific types of transactions or business dealings are restricted or entirely prohibited until further notice (“Sanctioned Persons”) and further trade restrictions as e.g. export and import bans, the prohibitions of investments or services.
It is every individual company’s responsibility to verify immediately whether any of its ongoing or envisaged operations may be subject to Russia Sanctions. Breach of sanctions entails severe liability risks, including criminal liability for directors.
Consolidated Short List
Since the Russia Sanctions are regulated in numerous different legal acts and since the lists of Sanctioned Persons contains already more than 1000 persons and companies, while at the same time the bigger part of these is of limited relevance for the business relations, please see below a Consolidated Short List of the most prominent and from a business perspective relevant Sanctioned Persons (“Short List of Particularly Relevant Sanctioned Persons”).
The Short List of Particularly Relevant Sanctioned Persons was generated on the basis of the comprehensive US, EU and UK sanction lists. It is not exhaustive and contains sometimes simplifications. It shall provide a first high level navigation to identify sanction risks, but does not constitute legal advice.
If you identify a relation of your company’s business operations to any of the below short-listed Sanctioned Persons or to any of their affiliates or to entities with a similar name it is highly recommended to review the relevant relation in question from the perspective of Russia Sanctions and to suspend any transactions until sanction clearance has been obtained.