Robert Pahlen advises German and international clients on all issues of German and European competition and antitrust law, especially in antitrust, abuse and merger control proceedings by Germany’s Federal Cartel Office and the European Commission, as well as in filing and defending against antitrust damage claims (private enforcement). Robert also has extensive experience in supporting companies during internal investigations and antitrust compliance programmes. He focuses primarily on the financial services, health care & life sciences and retail sectors. Robert also the co-author of publications on topics such as antitrust law in banking transaction.
- Studied law at the University of Potsdam (Germany)
- Research assistant at the professorial chair for Civil Law, Commercial & Economic Law (Professor Tobias Lettl, LL.M. (EUR)) at the Law Faculty of the University of Potsdam (Germany)
- At Noerr since 2014
- Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers
- German antitrust research association Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.
- § 3 Gatekeeper (with Miriam Swamy-von Zastrow) and Glossary (with Markus Brösamle): Schmidt/Hübener (eds), Das neue Recht der digitalen Märkte. Digital Markets Act (DMA), 2023
- Das Kartellrecht der Bankgeschäfte (with Fabian Badtke): Schwintowski (ed.), Bankrecht, 6th edition, 2022, Chapter 7; 5th edition, 2018, Chapter 24
- More uncertainty through legal clarity? – The application of the full-function criterion in European merger control. Case note on ECJ, judgment of 7 September 2017 – Case C-248/16 – Austria Asphalt (with Peter Stauber): Journal of Competition Law (ZWeR), 2/2018, pp. 211 et seq.
- ICLG - The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2018 (2nd edition) - A practical cross-border insight into vertical agreements and dominant firms (Chapter 8), (with Peter Stauber), Global Legal Group, pp. 51 et seq.
- ICLG - The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2017 (1st edition.) - A practical cross-border insight into vertical agreements and dominant firms (Chapter 8), (with Peter Stauber), in Global Legal Group, pp. 49 et seq.
- Comment on Federal Cartel Office press release „Bundeskartellamt sanktioniert vertikale Preisbindung bei LEGO“ - 12.01.2016: ZVertriebsR 2016, 133 seq.
- Anmerkung zu OLG Frankfurt a.M., Urt. v. 22.12.2015 – 11 U 84/14 (Kart) – Plattformverbot für Markenrucksäcke (with Hanno Schaper): ZVertriebsR 2016, 123 seq.
- "Signalling" und das Kartellverbot – öffentliche Verlautbarungen im Fokus der Kartellbehörden (with Dr Oliver Vahrenholt): Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (ZWeR), 4/2014, pp. 442 et seq.
- Urheberrecht der Fotografen (with Wolf Buchholz): Castendyk (ed.), Fotorecht. Recht der Aufnahme, Gestaltung und Verwertung von Bildern, 2nd edition, 2012,