Klara Lamberts, LLM (LSE)

Rechtsanwältin (Lawyer), Associate

Mergers & Acquisitions

Klara Lamberts


Studied law at the University of Passau and the University of Leipzig, with a period abroad at the Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy)
Specialised foreign language training for lawyers, Chinese Law and English Law, University of Passau
Master of Laws (LLM) at the London School of Economics (LSE), London, United Kingdom
Legal clerkship in Düsseldorf with stations at the German Chamber of Commerce in London, the Foreign Office in Ulan Bator and Noerr in Düsseldorf
Research assistant at a major international law firm
Working with a start-up incubator and a start-up
Admitted to the Düsseldorf Chamber of Lawyers
Joined Noerr as a lawyer